Istanbul Airport Special

You would not believe that these daybags were not put up for sale somewhere in Tokyo but in a shop in the transit area of Istanbul International Airport.

And you can believe that I had to fight hard against myself not to buy one of them as they are outrageously expensive. Around 150 Euroe each, if I remember correctly.


Update: On my way back, I was at that airport again. The price was even 160 Euro. And I learned you can order them at Amazon for 120 Euro instead.

That Airport sucks by the way. Everything is overexpensive and even their shitty wifi is limited to one hour after which they want charge you 8 USD per 100 MB.

And what good is a duty free shop if the price without taxes is still higher than you would pay anywhere else including tax?

I guess this pretty much disqualifies Turkish Airlines for my next trip to Japan, despite it is totally not their fault.